The Church
We are a Christian Church based in Wauchula, Florida, USA. We labour day and night for the LORD and support, with a few donors, Working Faith Fellowship’s in Africa & Asia. We also teach and encourage these indigenous missionaries in the most impoverished areas of the world. We all, in unity, are living “pure and undefiled religion” taking care of the orphan, widow and the “lease of these”.
Kibera Slum (Nairobi) & Siaya (Western), Kenya
The world is full of false churches preaching a powerless gospel that does not convict or save. There are many “prosperity” and “word of faith” wolves lining their pockets and selling false “signs and wonders”. Most preach an abominable gospel that includes the false teachings of OSAS (Once Saved Always Saved), “one will sin until they die”, etc. 2nd Peter Chapter 2 is truly in full-effect and sadly, 99%+ of the “Churches” on “Main Street” are not a blessing, but a curse for the lukewarm “Revelation 3:16 Christian”.
We have elders in every fellowship and preach an unadulterated gospel. We will never compromise out faith to be ecumenical as false-unity will end in eternal torment. Catholic’s, “OSAS” Baptists, Calvinists, the UCC, Presbyterians, Methodists, Anglican, Jehovah Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists, and the 30,000+ other denominations are all false cults. 99%+ of the”non-denominational churches” are also false.
You can read more about our overall mission by clicking here. We founded GMFC in May 2012 and have never looked back. You may donate by clicking here. We greatly appreciate all our supporters and pray for you to continue walking that narrow path of salvation, enduring ’til the end for final salvation.
To Jesus be all the glory,
We pray you join us as we preach the true gospel of Christ Jesus that saves from sin and damnation. Joy is only found in the Lord when one lives holy and righteous. AMEN