Joseph Otieno
Joseph Otieno is an indigenous missionary who lives with his family ministers in the Kibera Slum of Nairobi, Kenya. He open-air preaches weekly in the Kenyatta Market(Nairobi), travels almost 10 hours per week (each way) to preach and minister to widows and villagers in Siaya (Sega) Kenya where he was born, visits the Kenyatta Hospital weekly to pray for and evangelize the sick and also holds Sunday service as well as other fellowships in the Kibera Slum. He has also launched an incredible micro-finance program where you can help a poor woman for just $50 start a business! His Story is below.
I’m was raised by a single mother and because of poverty, I left school to help my mom raise my younger brothers. I’m the first born in a family of 9 children. I am born-again abiding in Jesus living and preaching holiness. I have a wife and seven children and have lived very humble since my childhood. Standing by the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is what I am committed to do. Kenyan churches are now commercial properties preaching “miracles” and prosperity. I’m a threat to many false professing Christians and I will continue to preach to them to repent of their false belief and doctrine until my last breath. Where I operate in the Kibera Slum of Nairobi Kenya, pastors and church leaders are against me because I speak the Truth of Jesus. I preach Repentance and holiness salvation. I am so encouraged to start Working Faith fellowship on December 16th, 2017 as we have been holding services in a very small room. Jesus is my security and my Blessed Hope. By the Love of Jesus, I fear Nothing. God bless those who support the preachers of the Truth.